restful nights ahead

I help exhausted and overwhelmed mothers ditch sleepless nights and rediscover the joy of motherhood!

CAN YOU relate?

You haven’t had a good night's sleep in months and you wake up thinking, “I can’t do this anymore”.

You are constantly trapped during nap time because your child will only sleep on you. You'd like to be able to clean up, work out, or watch your favorite TV show in peace, but your little one will only sleep on you.  

You dread bedtime because you know it will be filled with frustration, tears, and hours of rocking or pacing to get your baby to sleep.

You feel you’re always struggling to balance work and family responsibilities. You can’t keep up with everything going on in your life. 

You can't plan anything during the day because your little one's sleep is so unpredictable, so you are always stuck in the house.

The lack of sleep has impacted your relationship with your partner and you know it has to do with your lack of sleep and stress of the baby. 

newborn mom, infant, sleep consultant, sleep training

MAYBE you…

Feel guilty and selfish for even considering sleep training.

Feel anxious about the sleep training process, fearing that it might harm your child emotionally.

Feel overwhelmed by conflicting advice on sleep training, unsure of what approach is right for your family.

Feel guilty or like a bad mo when you hear your baby crying.

Keep second guessing every decision you make about your child’s sleep.

HERE IS THE problem…

You've been doing your best to handle your child's sleep struggles on your own, reading books, endlessly Googling how to get your baby to sleep, and asking advice from your mama friends. And yet, none of those strategies seem to work with your little one.

Maybe you tried sleep training in the past, but couldn’t stick with it because it wasn’t as easy as you thought. 

You have started to bed-share (co-sleep), nurse to sleep, and rock to sleep, with the hope of getting some real rest. 

You've likely heard countless times that your child's sleep will magically improve as they grow older.. “Just wait. It’s just a phase. It’s normal.”



There is NO JUDGMENT here and YOU ARE NOT ALONE! My goal is to support you through this journey, helping you and your family be well-rested while meeting your child’s needs, respecting your parenting choices, and boosting your confidence about your child’s sleep.


You could have your arms free during naps so that you can work, run errands, or even have some “me time”.

Bedtime became a peaceful and enjoyable time with your baby, filled with snuggles and stories instead of frustration and tears.

Your baby didn’t wake up multiple times a night & you and your whole family were able to get a FULL NIGHT’S REST

You could finally enjoy motherhood and have fun with your family.

You had “me-time” EVERY DAY!  Self-care becomes a natural part of your day and you can do it guilt-free. 

You and your partner could have some quality alone time every night to watch Netflix or have a real conversation without the baby constantly waking you up. 

You had predictability and flexibility throughout your days, so you can start doing the things you ACTUALLY WANT during the day without worrying about messing up your child's sleep.


  • "Since working with Jaque, Charlie sleeps reliably from 7:30pm to 7:30am. No endless rocking to sleep – in fact, Jaque taught us to purposefully put him down awake, from which he’s learned to be comfortable and confident in his surroundings and ability to fall asleep on his own! If and when he wakes in the night, he knows how to put himself back to sleep. What this means for the rest of the family – we can take him anywhere (vacations, foreign spaces, no blackout rooms, etc.), and he is flexible to know how to get himself down when he is tired, both for naps, and at night."


  • "We still use the skills and techniques she taught us, and our daughter has been sleeping through the night since ~7-weeks of age. Our child’s daycare providers have also made numerous comments about her ability to self sooth and comfort herself, which are all skills Jaque taught her."


  • "Jaque came to our rescue and had him sleeping through the night within just a few days (12 hour sleeps to be exact!!). In just two weeks, our son was starting to nap on his own during the day. It was a miracle. Although Jaque’s skills in sleep training are phenomenal, she also provided incredible emotional support. I was responsible for most of the sleep training, and found it very challenging at times to see through with the sleep plan. However, Jaque was there for me every step of the way. She would call, text, and even watch our son over the Nanit if I needed to distract myself. Jaque is more than just a sleep trainer, and will become a wonderful friend during your sleep training experience. I never thought we would be able to get to this point, as my husband and I are finally able to be independent throughout the day and recharged by the morning. I cannot recommend Jaque and her expertise enough."


  • "Jaqueline guides us through how to build confidence when it came to knowing what to do around our baby sleep patterns. What I thought it was impossible to happened, she made it happen in 2 nights. She gave tips that we had no idea and she was hands on. Whenever I had a question, even in the middle of the night, she was there to help me and support me. I felt like she was a friend giving me her hand to go through whatever I needed to go through. I'll be forever grateful for how much she helped my family and I believe everyone should get a sleep consultant!"


crib and stuff animal
sleep consultant, sleep trainer, sleep through the night, newborns, infants, toddlers

I’M JAQUELINE - A certified pediatric sleep consultant AND newborn care specialist.

I’m also a mom to a baby girl, and I’m married to a loving and supportive husband. I was born and raised in Brazil and moved to the U.S. back in 2019. After working in childcare for over 6 years, I found myself passionate about guiding, supporting, and educating new, expectant, and seasoned parents to navigate parenthood with less stress and more joy. I delved deeply into understanding how to accomplish my goals, and that is when I found my career and became a Newborn Care Specialist and Pediatric Sleep Consultant. I started supporting families back in 2021 and haven't stopped since then.

As a mother, I understand the joys and challenges of parenthood. When I had my daughter back in April 2023, I had such a hard transition into motherhood. We didn't have much support around us (my family was back in Brazil and my husband's family on the other side of the country), my husband was starting a new job, my daughter wouldn't sleep at all, breastfeeding was incredibly painful, and I developed intense postpartum anxiety. I was in survival mode for four months because I couldn't deal with everything that was happening, plus I felt so judged, guilty, and shamed for even considering sleep training my daughter (motherhood guilt is so real!). I felt so consumed by motherhood. When she turned 4 months old, I couldn't handle the sleep deprivation anymore, and I needed to feel like myself again, so I decided to sleep-train her. IT WAS THE BEST DECISION THAT I COULD HAVE MADE FOR MY FAMILY! Our lives completely changed, and since then I have become so much more passionate and motivated about what I do.

My goal is to provide you with solutions that will be long-lasting, easily blend into your day-to-day routine, respect your values and parenting choices, and WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE, so you can get out of survival mode like I was and enjoy this season of your life, for real!

When I'm not supporting families, you will find me spending time with my family, experimenting in the kitchen (I love to bake), learning a new hobby (I like to keep myself occupied), or just being lazy on the couch while binge-watching Netflix series.


You are ready to make changes in your child's sleep, letting go of your fears and guilt over sleep training, as well as being ready to change your mindset about crying (spoiler alert: crying = communication).

You know that your child is capable of learning to sleep independently in a supported way.

You are willing to commit to the training, work as a team, give it your all, and trust the process.

You are focused on your long term goals.

You know that consistency is key to sleep success, so you are willing to focus on the training and understand that it can take some time.

HOW DOES IT works…


Let’s make sure we are a good fit! Book a complimentary call (click here) with me so we can get to know each other. I can learn about your struggles and goals and you can learn how I can best support you!


Now it’s time for me to dig deeper and get to know your little one and your family better. You will be answering a thorough sleep and routine questionnaire with everything I need to know to create a personalized sleep plan that will guide you toward your final goal.


Once I receive your completed questionnaire, we’ll schedule a 30 to 60 minute sleep assessment call. On this call, I will go over the intake form and make sure I’m clear on your challenges and goals. This helps me so that I can create the best sleep plan for you & your family. 


While I work on creating an amazing sleep plan, you will work on setting yourself and your little one up for success. You will work on your mindset and your child's sleep space. Also, you’ll be communicating with all caregivers involved with your child (nanny, daycares, etc.), and asking for approval from your pediatrician to start this process.


You will receive a written sleep plan that will serve as your roadmap to independent sleep. This detailed guide will outline step-by-step instructions on how to implement the strategies that best suit your child and family. From bedtime routines to nap schedules, we leave no stone unturned, ensuring you have all the tools and guidance needed to achieve success.


Next, we will review the plan over a 60-minute consultation and choose a method that you feel comfortable and confident to follow during the training process. This is also the perfect time for you to ask me all the questions you may have before getting started.


It's time to implement the sleep plan. I'll be there every step of the way. You won't be alone during your sleep training journey. For three weeks you will have 1:1 support from me to guide you throughout the process of teaching your little one to sleep independently. I’ll be there to answer any questions and concerns you may have, give you emotional support, and help you feel confident with their sleep. 


Once you have completed the program, your life will have changed!!! You and your family will be well-rested and much happier! You will be confident in your child’s ability to sleep independently and you will want to keep this feeling forever! As a bonus, I will provide you with a guide with additional instructions to keep the results you achieved moving forward. Also, you’ll receive 1 complimentary call that you can use to troubleshoot anything or just to praise how good of a sleeper you have at home!


  • - 3 weeks of 1:1 coaching.

    - 30-60 minute sleep assessment (Zoom).

    - Written sleep plan customized to your child's & family's needs.

    - 60-minute sleep plan overview and Q&A video call (zoom).

    - Text & voice support during bedtime on the 1st night of the training.

    - Unlimited daily 1:1 voice & text support (between 7 am and 7 pm PST).

    - 3x 30-minute weekly check-in calls.

    - Access to a sleep & routine log with daily feedback.

    With bonuses:

    - Graduation guide: “Keep Feeling Rested” with everything you need to keep your little one sleeping independently as they grow, from daily sleep needs, sample schedules, how to manage teething, illness, travel, daylight savings, and more.

    - 1x  30-minute check-in call to use within 90 days after completing the program.

  • No, I don’t use the “Cry It Out” method (aka extinction method), which means leaving your child in their sleep environment alone and without support through out the night. I would never tell another mother to do something that I don’t feel comfortable doing with my own daughter.

  • I utilize various methods depending on your goals and comfort levels, from methods with a lot of parental involvement (aka gentle methods) to methods with less parental involvement. However, all methods that I work with are responsive and have as a priority to take care of your child's needs!

  • If you have followed the plan and were committed to the program during our 3 weeks and you don’t feel successful in your sleep journey, I’m happy to offer a reassessment consultation, with a new sleep plan and 1 additional week of daily support until you reach your goals.

  • The “Restful Nights Ahead” program is my primary program because it has EVERYTHING you need to be successful in your sleep training journey! However, if you are looking for something different, click here to book a complimentary call and we can talk about what you are looking for and if I’m able help in a different way.

SIGN ME UP, let’s go…

It’s time to ditch sleepless nights, and get the rest that your whole family needs and deserve!


$699 USD 

*Payment plans are available

HAVE questions? LET’S CHAT

I'm here to provide you with all the answers you need, whether it's about my services, my approach, or any other topic you're curious about.